Kale and Lemon Popcorn

lemon-kale-popcorn.jpg Serves 4

0 Points® per serving


80g popcorn kernels
4 handfuls of kale, chopped

½ tsp salt
½ lemon zest
Calorie-controlled cooking spray


Step 1: Spread the kale on a baking tray and mist with cooking spray and sprinkle over the salt.
Step 2:
Bake at 160 °C/Fan 140 °C/Gas Mark 3 for 10 minutes or until crispy. Transfer the kale to a blender along with the lemon zest then blitz.
Step 3: Using the measuring cup, add one cup of the popcorn kernels into the popcorn inlet. (One full measuring cup is equal to two servings).
Step 4: Place a large bowl underneath the spout to collect the popped corn. Cook the popcorn kernels for approximately 3 minutes.
Step 5: Repeat for remaining popcorn kernels.
Step 6: Sprinkle the kale topping over the popcorn and serve.

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